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发布日期:2022-04-13    浏览次数:


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白孟娜,122cc太阳集成游戏讲师,硕导,河南郑州人。2015-2020年于重庆大学硕博连读,2020年12月获得博士学位,2018-2020年在美国加州大学戴维斯分校联合培养,2021年1月入职于苏州科技大学。主讲化学计算模拟(双语)、化工环保与安全等课程。主持江苏省自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目各一项。以第一作者/通讯作者身份在Energy、Fuel、Chemical Science、Journal of Molecular Liquids、Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics等期刊上发表SCI论文11篇。指导本科生参加省级大学生创新训练项目(srtp)一项,指导学生获得本科生校级优秀毕业论文一篇。


1、 高性能催化剂研制;

2、 固体废弃物(生物质、塑料等)热转化制高附加值燃料和化学品;

3、 化学反应机理、反应动力学;

4、 有机工质热稳定性及热分解机理;

5、 制冷剂无害化处理。






2018年5月,获得中国化学会(CCS congress)第31届学术年会优秀墙报奖。


[1]M. Bai, Z. Feng, J. Li, Dean J. Tantillo; Bouncing off walls - widths of exit c hannels from shallow minima can dominate selectivity control, Chemical Science, 2020, 11(36): 993 7-9944

[2] E. Huo, Z. Hu, S. Wang, L. Xin,M. Bai*, Thermal decomposition and interaction mechanism of HFC-227ea/n-hexane as a zeotropic working fluid for organic Rankine cycle, Energy, 2022 (246) 123435.

[3] Zhi. Song,M. Bai*, Z. Yang, H. Lei, M. Qian, Y. Zhao, R. Zou, C. Wang, E. Huo*, Gasification of α-O-4 linkage lignin dimer in supercritical water into hydrogen and carbon monoxide: Reactive molecular dynamic simulation study, Fuel, 2022(329) 125387.

[4]M. Bai*, Z. Song, Z. Yang, Z. Guo, Y. Liu, H. Guo, H. Lei, E. Huo*, Catalytic conversion mechanism of guaiacol as the intermediate of lignin catalytic pyrolysis on MgO surface: Density functional theory calculation, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022(369) 120920.

[5]M. Bai, Z. Song, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, M. Qian, Ro. Zou, H. Lei, Y. Zhang, E. Huo*, Catalytic co-pyrolysis of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and lignin for jet fuel range hydrocarbons over activated carbon catalyst, International Journal of Energy Research, 2022(13) 18529-18539.

[6]M. Bai*, J. Chen, Z. Feng, Y. Sun, Y. Hu, X. Zhao, Density functional theory study on the decomposition mechanism of HFC-32 on a Cu(1 1 1) surface: The impact of H2O and O2, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 348: 118027.

[7] M. Si&, K. Lei&, E. Huo*, L. Li,M. Bai*, Thermal decomposition and interaction mechanism of HFC-134a/HFC-32 mixture in Organic Rankine Cycle, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022(6) 108947.

[8] E. Huo*, S. Zhang, L. Xin, S. Wang, S. Cai, L. Zhang,M. Bai*, Pyrolysis mechanism study of n-heptane as an endothermic hydrocarbon fuel: A reactive molecular dynamic simulation and density functional theory calculation study, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2022(1211) 113696.

[9] E. Huo*, S. Wang,M. Bai*, The thermal decomposition and interaction mechanism of HFC-245fa/ HFC-227ea mixture: A reactive molecular dynamic simulation and density functional method calculation study, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2022(1217) 113935.

[10]M. Bai, D. Lu, J. Li, Quasi-classical Trajectory Studies on the Full-Dimensiona l Accurate Potential Energy Surface for the OH + H2O = H2O + OH Reaction, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(27): 17718-17725.

[11]M. Bai, D. Lu, Y. Li, J. Li, Ring-polymer molecular dynamical calculations for the F plus HCl -> HF plus Cl reaction on the ground 1(2)A ' potential energy surface, Physic l Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18(47): 32031-32041.
